In this episode, Ich and Jono discuss the difference between Personal Development and Self-Awareness, and why the majority of the people are in the P.D space for the wrong reason. Ich and Jono will be opening this new podcast series with this Truth Bomb episode. The purpose of this podcast …
Myth 02: Concept vs Premise
In this episode, Ich and Jono discuss the difference between Concept and Premises, and why there is so much nonsense out there in the Spiritual and P.D industry. It is important to understand that if you want to live a masterful life, then one must aim to avoid believing in …
Myth 03: Affirmations and Peak State
In this episode, Ich and Jono shares the reason why affirmations and peak states don’t actually work (or help) the way you think it does. In fact, if applied incorrectly, you can do more damage to yourself than anything. The premise that they will be sharing with you is something …
Myth 04: Thoughts Creates Emotion
In this episode, Ich and Jono debunks the myth that Thoughts creates Emotions. Your conscious rational thoughts do not create your emotion. In actual fact, it is the other way round. The premise that they will be sharing with you is how your definition (of your reality) creates your perception, …
Myth 05: Your Thoughts Creates Your Reality
In this episode, Ich and Jono debunks the common myth that your Thoughts > Emotions > Action = Results. This is actually only half-true, and the reality that you do end up creating from this will be from your Ego’s agenda, which result in self-sabotage. The premise that they will …
Myth 06: The Law of Attraction
In this episode, Ich and Jono discuss one of the most popular and mainstream concepts known as “The Law of Attraction”. Have you ever tried to apply this law to work in your favour, yet wondered why it sometimes works, and others don’t? Listen to this episode and you’ll discover …
Myth 07: You Can Change Your Beliefs and Identity
In this episode, Ich and Jono addresses why you actually cannot change your beliefs and your identity. And even if you could, why it would be a waste of time attempting to do so. Listen to this episode to discover a more powerful way to live you life, rather than …
Myth 08: You Can Interpret Other People’s Dreams
In this episode, Ich and Jono addresses why you can’t interpret other people’s dreams and why it’s a load of nonsense. Dreams are our personal symbols in a dynamic format – it is personal to us. Therefore, the only person who can interpret your dreams is… You! Listen to this …
Myth 09: Everything Happens For a Reason
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why nothing happens for a reason, and also explains how you are the creator of your own life. Listen to this episode to discover how powerful of a creator you actually are, and how to create what you love in life, regardless of …
Myth 10: Illusion of Control and Letting Go
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why control is an illusion, and why needing to control anything in your life is dysfunctional and a waste of time. Because only one thing is certain in life… Change. They will also explain why life is not about Letting Go of anything …
Myth 11: It’s About Acceptance
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why life is not about acceptance, avoiding negativity, or staying away from low vibration. True Leaders don’t waste their time and energy doing any of that. Ich and Jono will be sharing with you one of the fundamental principles (or laws) of this …
Myth 12: Love is the Opposite of Fear
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why Love is NOT the opposite of Fear, as preached my many coaches and spiritual teachers in the industry. Listen to this episode to discover where this myth actually came from, and get a deeper understanding of the truth. Ich and Jono will …
Myth 13: Masculine and Feminine Energy
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why there is no such thing as Masculine and Feminine Energy – it does not exist. Listen to this episode to discover where this concept was originally derived from, and get a deeper understanding of the truth. Ich and Jono will be sharing …
Myth 14: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why you actually cannot reprogram your subconscious mind. Listen to this episode to discover where this concept was originally derived from, and get a deeper understanding of the truth. Ich and Jono will be discussing about the aspects of consciousness, and diving deeper …
Myth 15: Negative Self-Talk Is Bad
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why negative self-talk is not a bad thing and that it’s ok to embrace negativity. Ich and Jono will also be sharing with you what is the ultimate tool for self-awareness. The purpose of this podcast series is to debunk all of the …
Myth 16: Goals Setting
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why Goals Setting is overrated, and why most of them don’t work. Ich and Jono will be discussing about the difference between Negative Visions vs. True Visions. The purpose of this podcast series is to debunk all of the myths that is floating …
Myth 17: Being Fearless
In this episode, Ich and Jono address why Fearlessness is an illusion, and why aiming to become fearless is dysfunctional. Ich and Jono will be discussing about the importance of fear, why we need it, and how to overcome fear and use it to our advantage in creating what we …
Myth 18: Trusting The Universe
In this episode, Ich and Jono address the myth that “all you need to do is set your intention and trust in the universe” – There is nothing to trust, and the truth is, the universe doesn’t really care. Listen to this episode to discover where this concept was originally …
Myth 19: Setting Intentions To Manifest What You Want
In this episode, Ich and Jono address the myth that “all you need to do is set your intention to manifest what you want” – There is actually a science to manifestation, and setting your intention is not enough. Listen to this episode to discover the four stages of manifestation, …
Myth 20: Soulmates And Twin Flames
In this episode, Ich and Jono address the myth around soulmates and twin flames, and the misunderstanding of what they really are. Listen to this episode to get a deeper understanding of why the concept of soulmates has nothing to do with romantic relationship, and why the concept of twin …
Myth 21: Recharging Your Energy
In this episode, Ich and Jono address the myth on the need to recharge your energy. Listen to this episode to discover how you can access your higher power and how to receive energy from a higher source. You’ll never have to worry about going back to your cave to …
Myth 22: Self-Love
In this episode, Ich and Jono address the myth regarding Self-Love, why the focus shouldn’t be on this. Listen to this episode to discover how you can really learn to love yourself genuinely, and feel worthy. The purpose of this podcast series is to debunk all of the myths that …
Myth 23: Vulnerability
In this episode, Ich and Jono address the myth regarding Vulnerability, as it has become such a buzzword in the Personal Development world. Listen to this episode to discover what Vulnerability really is, and what it isn’t, so that you can really step into your personal power. The purpose of …
Myth 24: Knowledge and Experience is Power
In this episode, Ich and Jono will reveal to you what real power really is and how to tap into that. Most people have a misinterpretation of what knowledge and experience is, and therefore, they don’t get the results that they want in life. Listen to this episode to discover …
Myth 25: Intellect vs. Intelligence
In this episode, Ich and Jono will reveal to you how to tap into the infinite intelligence and wisdom of your higher power. Most people have a misinterpretation of what Intelligence is, and therefore, they don’t get the results that they want in life, because they rely too much on …
Myth 26: Finding your Passion
In this episode, Ich and Jono leads the discussion on a hot topic regarding how to find your true passion in life. Believe it or not, your passion cannot be found. That’s what the myth is. Listen to this episode to discover what passion really is and how to live …
Myth 27: The Meaning Of Life
In this episode, Ich and Jono lead the discussion on another hot topic regarding the meaning of life. Is there any meaning to begin with? Is the meaning whatever we choose it to be? Or is there actually more to the truth…? Listen to this episode to discover how to …
Myth 28: Motivation: You Need A “WHY”
In this episode, Ich and Jono lead the discussion on another hot topic regarding Motivation, and the “WHY” factor. In the Personal Development space, almost every coach and speakers preaches about how you need to know your “WHY”, and if your “WHY” doesn’t make you cry then you won’t be …
Myth 29: It’s All About Positive Thinking
In this episode, Ich and Jono lead the discussion on another hot topic regarding Positive Thinking, and why positive thinking alone is harmful. Listen to this episode to discover how to raise your perspective to the highest level and see life through life’s eye. The purpose of this podcast series …
Myth 30: Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life
In this episode, Ich and Jono lead the discussion on another hot topic regarding how changing your beliefs will change your life is a myth. Not only is it a waste of time, but the solution lies elsewhere. This is the final episode of this podcast series, where you will …