High-Level Advanced Leadership Training
4-Day High-Level Training In Self-Awareness
Break Your Limits is a 4-day high-level training designed for creating leaders. The only thing that creates leaders is tension. A powerful person such as a king / queen, or the president of a country will always hold the burden and tension of the entire country on their shoulders.
The ability to hang with tension regardless of the circumstances, overcome resistance and break through all limitations, while following through with the truth is what will define you as a true powerful intuitive leader.
This training is designed with a powerful and sustainable healing modality, to empower you through your wounds, with the ability to break free from all limitations by being a master of tension.
4-Day High-Level Training In Super Consciousness
Ignite Your Soul is a 4-day high-level training that reconnects you back to the source of divine creative power of your heart, allowing you to access your intuition at will.
Intuition is the ability to observe the obvious and allowing you to make connections that have never been made before. The gateway to intuition is only through the ultimate state of awareness known as Innocence.
The ability to stay in innocence and consistently rise above the ego to receive divine guidance from your higher power is what will allow you to access your Super Consciousness, and become a powerful Intuitive Leader.
This training is going to provide you with the key to accessing your psychic ability and understanding the mechanics of high level creating, so that you can create a masterful life that you want to live.
10-Day Transformational Retreat In Self-Mastery
Live Your Truth is a 10-day retreat in Costa Rica, providing you with the highest-level of transformational training and insight in uncovering your Ego’s shadow aspect, dark side and dysfunctional pattern. Highlighting clearly the predictable step-by-step process, in how you’re unconsciously sabotaging your own success in life.
This is the deepest level of awareness that you can ever hope to achieve through any self-awareness training available.
A humbling experience where the more we learn about ourselves, the more we will realise that we know nothing. You will discover what you are truly capable of manifesting and the art of high level creating.
The ability to catch yourself at any given moment, knowing what your ego is really trying to do to make you fail, will give you the greatest advantage in life, and the greatest edge to succeed in business and in any relationship.
This training is NOT for the feint hearted, as it will reveal to you your darkest truth that you’ve been denying and unaware of, all this time... But it is guaranteed to provide you with the wisdom, the power, and the courage to master your human journey and become a master of life.
In order to truly serve you, this high level training can only be facilitated at a location where there is high vibration. That is why the training will take place in Costa Rica, where you can be totally immerse and one with nature, and away from your regular day to day reality.
Live Your Truth is available to anyone who has already completed both Stage I and Stage II of our Inner Leadership Breakthrough program.
Advanced Communication
Commanding Maximum Influence
Advanced Communication is a 5 day high-level training designed for leaders, to enhance their ability to create maximum influence.
Influence is the power to have an important effect on someone or something, without manipulation. Yet most people believe that in order to influence someone you don't know, you must first become someone of significance. This is not true.
Those who fail to influence others without manipulation, or have difficulty in expressing themselves fully for others to understand, will find it very challenging to get what they want from others. This is a simple fact that frustrates both the leaders and their team/partners.
This training will give you the ability to authentically maximize your influence and get what you want without resistance from other people, no matter whom that person may be.
This training is available via application only. Contact us for more details.
Advanced Coaching
Inspiring Passionate Action
Advanced Coaching is a 5 day high-level training designed for leaders, to enhance their ability to create more leaders.
The whole point of coaching / parenting is to provide your client / child with a powerful structure that helps to create their vision. It is about the formal recognition of the Creative Being within and the expression of the creative nature inherent in that being.
A coach / parent must NEVER lose sight of the fact that their client / child is powerful. Yet most coaches / parents forget this and they will occasionally play the mentor role instead by telling their clients / children what to do or what they would personally do.
Those who fail to truly put the power back in their client's / child’s hand and inspire their team to take action, or have difficulty in seeing what their dreams and visions are, will ultimately find it very challenging to help them get any results at all, let alone the results that they desire.
This training is going to give you the ability to inspire and empower anyone and everyone, to overcome their resistance and take passionate action towards creating their end result.
This training is available via application only. Contact us for more details.
Advanced Leadership
Facilitating Transformational Dynamics
Advanced Leadership is a 5 day high-level training designed for leaders, to enhance their ability to create transformation in people’s lives.
The most powerful way to impact someone’s life and to serve him or her at the highest level is through your work, by creating what you love. Structure is the foundation of creating. If you can master structure, then you can master creating.
The most important skill in being a leader, a creator, a coach and a facilitator is the ability to handle conflict with integrity, whilst leading the team towards an aligned vision.
This training will give you the skill to resolve all conflicts, and high-level structures that will inevitably create end results. It's the end results that matter when it comes to changing people's lives and impacting the world.
This training is available via application only. Contact us for more details.